DigiBUILD project
High-Quality Data-Driven Services for a Digital Built Environment towards a Climate-Neutral Building Stock

DigiBUILD in brief
We work on creating digital enablers to transform current ‘silo’ buildings into digital, interoperable and smarter ones, based on consistent and reliable data, towards the generation of an energy efficient building data space.
In Europe, existing buildings remain at the top of energy consumption, while they are considered energy inefficient and renovated too slowly. More and more data are being generated within buildings nowadays, due to the increasing adoption of leading-edge ICT technologies, hence contributing to move forwards towards a Smart Building Landscape.
DATA concerns almost every aspect of the built environment: from how individuals and businesses use and interact with properties, to how the building’s energy consumption and construction details are recorded and analysed to support informed decisions about construction and real estate processes. Data-informed decision-making and digital upgrading (such as Energy Conservation Measures) can help upyield operational efficiencies at low cost.
Traditional silo approaches, where stakeholders manage their own data, could be replaced by digital and smart buildings, merging heterogeneous data sources, and placing the stakeholders as the core of these buildings.
DigiBUILD catalyses this much-needed transformation by making use of high-quality data and next generation digital building services for assuring trust and transparency, and better-informed decision-making processes.
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