On 15-16 February, DigiBUILD held its third plenary meeting and most of the partners met in person for the second time after 2022 in Rome.
Diego Arnone, Head of Smart Energy Projects Research Area at ENGINEERING (ENG) and DigiBUILD project coordinator wrapped up: “During this face-to-face meeting we had the opportunity to check the progress, continue shaping the scope and plan the activities that will follow. An interesting workshop, led by Universita Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), engaged technical partners and pilot managers to refine user and system requirements, a necessary step toward the release of the first functional specification. I am happy to see the work proceeding in the right direction!”
The meeting was kindly hosted and co-organised by the National Technical University (NTUA) at the hotel and conference venue Airotel Stratos Vassilikos in Athens. Vangelis Marinakis, Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA and DigiBUILD Scientific coordinator stated after the end of the meeting: “The last 2 days we had an effective and constructive Plenary Meeting for DigiBUILD in Athens! The DigiBUILD team is working to deliver high-quality data-driven services, assuring trust and transparency, and better-informed decision-making processes, towards a digital and sustainable built environment.”